Friday, June 7, 2013

Getting to know local girl...

Hi, I am Jessica. This is my blog, I'm new, and this is my passion...finding local/independent places with great food. I have lived in FL all my life. I grew up in Orlando (O-Town), went to Jacksonville for college, then moved back to Orlando after graduating and teaching for 2 years. I am a First Grade teacher, 10 years of teaching now (updated 2015). Love my job, love my kids, teaching is a passion!

Another passion is eating! I love to enjoy good food, whether it's alone, with family, or with friends. My passion is to support local places to support the local economy. I like to find new places that are independently owned, and then tell others about them to promote them.

I am also an avid gym girl! I love to work out. I love the gym, running, hiking, bike riding, anything to be active. I also like to eat healthy. I try to watch what I eat throughout the week, but then let loose a few nights and on the weekends. I do have to admit, I give into Ben & Jerry's quite frequently!

Follow me to enjoy some amazing local food and help me support the local economy!

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